Simple Spring Time Recipes with Keel and Curley Wine

With days growing longer and the weather getting warmer, spring is in full swing! At Keel and Curley Winery, we love to celebrate this time with bright and simple recipes that complement the flavors of the season. If you buy local Florida wine, this provides the perfect opportunity to add some flair to your recipes.

As a winery in Tampa celebrating 20 years of winemaking, we love to find new ways to incorporate our delicious, locally-made wines into fun recipes. Here are some of our favorite simple springtime recipes that you’ll love this season.

Blueberry Wine Popsicle

This deliciously refreshing recipe is one of the easiest recipes to make if you are craving a sweet treat. Our Keel and Curley Blueberry Wine popsicle recipe has only three ingredients: Keel and Curley Sweet Blueberry Wine, fresh blueberries, and mint.

Get started making this treat by simply muddling the fresh blueberries and mint together and layering it with our Sweet Blueberry Wine into a popsicle mold. After freezing the popsicle mixture for a few hours, they are ready to be enjoyed! Simple, quick, and perfect for warm sunny days.

Wild Berry and Pomegranate Roasted Salmon

This delectable recipe is another simple one to make, but it will certainly please you and your loved ones. Whether you make it for family dinner at home or bring it to a dinner party, this wild berry and pomegranate roasted salmon is sure to be a hit. Using our rich Keel and Curley Wild Berry Pinot Noir and pomegranate seeds, the flavor of the salmon is enhanced in a deeper, slightly sweeter way. 

While these flavors are not typically paired with salmon, you’ll surely find yourself craving it time and time again!

Creamy Chicken in Key Lime Wine Sauce

If you are looking for a savory entree that is both light and rich in flavor, look no further than our recipe for creamy chicken in key lime wine sauce. This chicken is prepared using Keel and Curley’s Key West-Key Lime Wine, and the flavors of this dish are bright and perfect for spring.

This key lime sauce will evoke happy memories of beach days and picnics, and we recommend sharing it with loved ones while planning out your next fun spring activity.

Keel and Curley Wines Are Delicious to Both Drink and Cook With

If you are looking to buy local Florida wine, consider Keel and Curley Wine for your next unique springtime recipe! 

If you are interested in trying out more spring recipes like these in our restaurant or visiting our winery in Tampa, plan your visit today. To purchase Keel and Curley Wine in your favorite local grocery store, visit our Store Locator Page.


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